Go Healthy Natural Multivitamin Featured on Nutraingredients-usa.com.

Liquid formula route offers opportunity for multivitamin startup
Competition is fierce in the multivitamin space, a category dominated by the major players of the supplement industry. Pennsylvania startup Go Healthy Natural is seeking to carve a niche with additional ingredients and a more bioavailable liquid formula.
Go Healthy Natural’s two ounce “Single Serve” Multivitamins combine the fast absorption benefits of a liquid vitamin, the convenience of a 2 ounce single serve bottle and an amazing superfruit blend.
Our “Daily Dose” Multivitamins are a delicious, small batch, handcrafted two flowing ounces of bioavailable liquid vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, prebiotics and eight superfruits blended together to give you the ultimate antioxidant boost! 98% Absorption rate vs only 20% for pills. FREE SHIPPING. www.gohealthynatural.com
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