Does Gut Bacteria Affect Your Brain?

Mounting research has suggested that the bacteria living in your digestive system plays an important role in your immune system and overall health.
Here are 5 mental health conditions that have been associated with imbalances of the Microbiota:
1. Depression - More than a third of depression sufferers have "leaky gut", or permeability of the gut lining which may allow bacterium into the bloodstream.
2. Anxiety - Prebiotics can have anti-anxiety & antidepressant effects. Consuming Probiotics may also change the brain's response to the person's environment.
3. Autism - Autism often co-occurs with gastrointestinal challenges like "leaky gut" or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
4. Parkinson's Disease - Individuals suffering from this disease often have different gut bacteria than healthy people.
5. Schizophrenia - Studies in mice have linked a lack of normal gut bacteria with changes in brain development, but the genetics of the disorder are complex and not fully understood. (Sources: WebMD, Oxford University & Huffington Post)
+ Many healthcare professionals recommend supplementing your daily diet with Natural Prebiotics & Probiotics (10-12 Billion CFUs) in the form of a delayed release vegetable capsule.
+ Choose multiple strains that are already prevalent in your digestive tract: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, are some that are recommended.
+ So, next time you shop for Probiotics, don't be fooled by the hype of huge numbers (CFUs & Strains). instead, read the other ingredients, check for the type of strains and make sure they are shelf stable. Listen to your gut!
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