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Go Healthy Natural Liquid Multivitamins Announces Partnership With Amazon.

Beginning December 1, 2015, Go Healthy Natural Liquid Multivitamins with Antioxidant Boost will be offered for sale on Amazon.com.Go Healthy Natural is an approved Amazon Brand Registry. The Amazon Brand Registry is a program for sellers who manufacture or sell their own branded products.Go Healthy Natural’s two ounce “Daily Dose” Multivitamins combine the fast absorption benefits of a liquid vitamin, the convenience of a 2 ounce single serve bottle and an amazing superfruit blend. Amazon's Prime members can order their multivitamins on GoHealthyNatural.com or Amazon.com and receive the same great free 2 day shipping!
Go Healthy Natural's “Daily Dose” Multivitamins are a delicious, small batch, handcrafted two flowing ounces of bioavailable liquid vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, prebiotics and eight superfruits blended together to give you the ultimate antioxidant boost! Liquid Multivitamins have a 98% Absorption rate vs only 20% for pills.
FREE SHIPPING with all orders. Easy ordering with your Amazon Prime account. You owe it to yourself to feel great! 100% guarantee that you'll love our daily dose 2 OZ liquid multivitamins or your money back. Go to www.gohealthynatural.com or look for us know featured on Amazon.com.

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